Laura Goetz, MD, MPH

Medical Deputy
XPRIZE Healthspan


Laura is the Medical Deputy for XPRIZE Healthspan. She is a board-certified Preventive Medicine physician, practicing in Loma Linda, CA, the only city in the United States that is a designated Blue Zone, an area with a life-expectancy up to 10 years longer than the national average.

Laura graduated from the University of Minnesota Medical School and after practicing as a surgeon for over 15 years, she decided many of the diseases she operated on were preventable. She changed her career completely, getting a Masters in Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley and becoming board certified in Preventive Medicine. This change coincided with the advent of precision medicine, and an appointment at the Translational Genomics Research Institute, where she designed novel N-of-1 research protocols using precision medicine technologies for disease prevention and healthspan promotion. She subsequently founded a precision prevention clinical practice, N-of-1 Medicine, and co-founded an N-of-1 clinical trials company,, whose combined goals are to ensure such novel technologies are incorporated into clinical care in a scientifically sound and meaningful way. Her vision is to see the N-of-1 approach – which celebrates each individual’s unique human experience – help breakdown existing barriers and disparities so that everyone has access to disease preventing and healthspan promoting medical care. She brings this vision to her role as the Medical Deputy of XPRIZE Healthspan.